SPARX Asset Management Co., Ltd. Space Frontiers Fund

Business Overview

Fund Objectives and Philosophy

The Space Frontiers Fund primarily seeks to support human resources and technology development in space-related industries, foster globally competitive Japanese space companies, and assist technological innovation throughout Japan. In June 2020, the Space Frontiers Fund I was launched with an AUM of JPY 9.2 billion. In April 2024, the Space Frontiers Fund II was launched.

Founding Principles

  • Help accelerate innovation by supporting the development of technologies and business models that will drive growth toward the society of the future
  • Demonstrate a pioneering spirit to the world by assembling a portfolio of companies

Target Functions

  • Invest in startups engaged in space-related businesses with superior technologies and unique business models as well as related projects that underpin the foundations of the space industry to support its realization and growth, and promote such technologies and services throughout society by partnering with governments and industries

Investment Area

Investment Area
  • Satellite Infrastructure:

    Satellites, components, ground segments and software

  • Remote Sensing and Connectivity:

    Business utilizing space-based data and information, GNSS (GPS, etc.), PNT, D2M, M2M, IoT, and others

  • On-Orbit Service:

    In space R&D/manufacturing at LEO desitinaions, free flyers, space tugs, debris removals, life extension & refueling, SSA and space flights

  • Deep Space:

    Exploration and development of Lunar, Mars, Asteroids and others

  • Access:

    Launch services between the earth and LEO destinations

Fund Structure

SPARX Asset Management Co., Ltd. is the fund manager of the Space Frontiers Fund. It evaluates a number of startups from different perspectives and considers a startup's degree of innovation and superiority. With capital received from its investors (Limited Partners, hereafter "LPs"), the Fund aims to invest in the most promising space-related startups.

The Fund's LPs do not only support its portfolio companies through financing, but also aim to develop a relationship that may eventually lead to business synergies. The support by the Fund's LPs includes technical advice, financing, and insurance among others. Besides generating a financial return for its LPs, the Fund intends to help grow and develop the overall space industry by providing information and advice to its LPs, who may decide to participate in the industry.

Fund structure